Silvia Lanzalone | Emanuela Mentuccia

installazione musicale su versi di poesie russo-ucraine (2022)

© Emanuela Mentuccia

tutto il resto è diventato memoria

ossigeno dal fuoco

Marianna Kiyanovska
(Zhovkva, Lviv Oblast, Ucraina, 1973)

ковтали повітря як землю. . .

ковтали повітря як землю
таке було чорне
сусіди що разом город садили

а в тому чорному
немов у мясистій черешні
солодке й гірке
а в тому солодкому і гіркому
солоне і біле

запасали в легенях на роки наперед
не чєрьомуху
іншу якусь рослину
декому видихалися кісточки черешень
декому кулі

камені вилазили із орбіт
і ставали очима

все інше ставало пам’яттю
киснем вогнем


we swallowed an air like earth. . .

we swallowed an air like earth
the kind of black
neighbors gardened together

and in that black
as in a fleshy cherry
sweet and bitter
and in that sweet and that bitter
salt and flesh

we stored in our lungs many years beforehand
not the cherry plum
another tree
some of us exhaled cherry pits
some bullets

stones bulged from their sockets
and became eyes

everything else became memory
air, fire

(Translated from the Ukrainian by Oksana Lutsyshyna and Kevin Vaughn)

Le immagini di (a)live - memoria nelle parole  sono di Emanuela Mentuccia, i suoni sono di Silvia Lanzalone, la traduzione italiana dei versi  è a cura di Silvia Lanzalone ed Emanuela Mentuccia.
Le poesie
 da cui sono stati estrapolati i versi sono state selezionate dal sito web Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine, che è una pubblicazione di Academic Studies Press and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute  - © 2022, Borderlines Foundation for Academic Studies © 2022, Academic Studies Press.

The images of (a)live - memoria nelle parole  are by Emanuela Mentuccia, the sounds are by Silvia Lanzalone, the Italian translation of the verses used is by Silvia Lanzalone and Emanuela Mentuccia. The poems from which the verses were extrapolated were selected from the website Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine, that is a publication by Academic Studies Press and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute  - © 2022, Borderlines Foundation for Academic Studies © 2022, Academic Studies Press.

© Silvia Lanzalone 2022