Silvia Lanzalone | Emanuela Mentuccia

(a)live - memoria nelle parole

installazione musicale su versi di poesie russo-ucraine (2022)

© Emanuela Mentuccia

la vita è distribuita - 

a tutti, un frammento alla volta

Aleksandr Kabanov
(Kherson, Ucraina, 1968)

Страх – это форма добра. . .

Страх – это форма добра,
ангельский окорок,
ватная тень от Петра
падает в обморок.

Лысый, усатый, рябой
выпил сливовицы,
и, наконец-то, собой –
мертвым становится

Тень отпоют воробьи,
вместе с медведками:
ужас, как символ любви,
пахнет объедками

Близким разрывом ложись
к детям, на полочку:
распределяется жизнь –
всем, по осколочку.

Аэро-клей «ПВО»,
Олю слукоило:
стоило это того
или не стоило?

январь 2015

Fear is a form of the good. . .

Fear is a form of the good,
an angelic portion.
Peter’s cotton ball shadow
loses consciousness.

Bald, with a funny moustache,
he drinks plum brandy
until he finds his true self,
becoming — a dead man.

Sparrows read the last rites.
Mole crickets do the honors.
Horror — a symbol of love —
reeks of leftovers.

Like an explosive blast,
join the kids in the basement.
Life gets to all of us,
each one will catch a shard.

Glue sticks explode in the sky.
Oil tankers make us high.
Was it all worth a try,
wasn’t it worth it?

(Translated from the Russian by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky)

Le immagini di (a)live - memoria nelle parole  sono di Emanuela Mentuccia, i suoni sono di Silvia Lanzalone, la traduzione italiana dei versi  è a cura di Silvia Lanzalone ed Emanuela Mentuccia.
Le poesie
 da cui sono stati estrapolati i versi sono state selezionate dal sito web Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine, che è una pubblicazione di Academic Studies Press and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute  - © 2022, Borderlines Foundation for Academic Studies © 2022, Academic Studies Press.

The images of (a)live - memoria nelle parole  are by Emanuela Mentuccia, the sounds are by Silvia Lanzalone, the Italian translation of the verses used is by Silvia Lanzalone and Emanuela Mentuccia. The poems from which the verses were extrapolated were selected from the website Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine, that is a publication by Academic Studies Press and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute  - © 2022, Borderlines Foundation for Academic Studies © 2022, Academic Studies Press.

© Silvia Lanzalone 2022